People have started asking us frequently what we will miss most about Peru when we leave in a couple of months. My first response is always "the people." While quite general, my first response is both true and what people usually want to hear. My second response to the question is "the food." This answer usually invokes a discussion of the traditional foods prepared in our region. When I start listing off my favorite foods (I've tried just about everything there is to try by now) people kind of light up. There is great pride taken in the preparation of traditional foods and no town party or anniversary is complete without a competition of who can prepare the best traditional plates. The gastronomy of Peru is incredibly diverse and varies greatly depending on the region (coast, mountains, or jungle). The types of foods prepared on a daily basis also depend entirely on economics. The diet of many volunteers consists of inexpensive and filling foods like rice and potatoes with few vegetables and little protein. Because Micah and I live in a larger city with a family that owns a restaurant, we eat really well.
Lunch is the biggest meal of the day and of us consists of a starter, soup, and entrée.
Some typical starters:
On to the soups:
We also eat a variety of soups with vegetables, potatoes, yucca, rice, and grains like wheat and quinoa.
The main dish: